We are proud to announce that a demo of OmpSs-derived programming model, shooted by AXIOM’s partner BSC, was showcased this February at UDOO boot, during the Embedded World. The audience was mainly composed by industry representatives, engineers, entrepreneurs and, concerning the last day, students. EVIDENCE, SECO and Unisi are also going to showcase AXIOM dissemination materials such as posters and flyers at their respective booths.
Scope of the demo has been to demonstrate that OmpSs@FPGA may be used to accelerate applications suitable for execution on FPGA devices. The demonstration showed that with OmpSs@FPGA the performance of a matrix multiplication benchmark accelerated within an FPGA increases 3.5 times with respect to a UDOO board.
In a second demonstration, BSC’s team ran the OmpSs matrix multiplication benchmark in a cluster of UDOO boards. Each node had an ARM Cortex-A9 quad core processor and ran Ubuntu Linux. They were connected with a fast ethernet connection. Two directives, target and task, were added to the matrix multiplication kernel in order to spawn the kernel on the different cores on the two boards. The team demonstrated that the same binary application can either be run on a single board or in a distributed way using a number of boards. In this specific demonstration, two boards were used.
The GFlops obtained reported by the benchmark showed that in all cases the performance increased. Moving from 1 to 4 cores improves performance almost fourfold. Moving to cluster, the benchmark delivers an additional 1.4 increase in performance.